subota, 8. studenoga 2008.

Ola Lindgren in HM interview: "Scandinavian model mixed with German one"

Field appointment in Nordhorn, HSG Nordhorn´s office: For German Handball-Magazin, Ola Lindgren, 44, took more than our to discuss about handball. On the financial crisis of HSG Nordhorn, about the lessons learned from coach ikon Bengt Johansson, his life in a family full of women and his love to old Mustang cars and fast horses. prints and translates extracts of this interview in cooperation with Handball-Magazin, the complete interview is only part of the November issue of “HM” which can be bought in Germany from 31 October.

During the talk with HM, Lindgren showed the ease which is as typical for the people of the County of Bad Bentheim. And another element fitted: Ending the talk, Lindgren catched his cap and went to training by bike.. "This is my contribution to environment protection", the double World Champion stated winking.

Excerpt from HM-Interview

HM: How do you esteem Nordhorn?

Ola Lindgren
It is amazing that we have a work climate at ease, here. There is not so much pressure from outside. We can implement our scandinavian model without hurry and stress. And we have always been lucky to commit new players who fit into the region, emerge and adapt to their envisaged role. Elsewhere the pressure to success is harder.

HM: Is the „Grafschaft“ really a pressure-free zone?

Ola Lindgren
No. We produce the pressure inside our team and elaborate goals for ourselves. After a defeat there will be nobody to hold a crisis talk. It is important for us to control such a situation internally. One is a lot more engaged if one finds our himself where the mistakes have been made and if the solution is made up together.

HM: So, self-motivation instead of strict rules?

Ola Lindgren
I say, you do not have to be late. This is a rule. But if the team sets his our framework concerning punctuality and mutual respect, then the acceptation is much higher than with simple rules. Since it results from the group cohesion and contributes inner power to the team.

HM: What is this philosophy derived from?

Ola Lindgren
It is no great mysterium that I have mixed the Scandinavian model with the German one...

The complete interview is released on 31 October in November issue of Handball-Magazin (German only).

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