ponedjeljak, 20. listopada 2008.

GF World Cup opening day: Russia defeated by Denmark

Every year in October, the female Handball elite meets at the GF World Cup in Arhus, Denmark. From October 14 to 19, Russia, Romania, France and Norway as well as Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and Germany are playing each other in order to prepare for the European Championships in Macedonia in December. Norway, France and Germany won their matches. But the World Cup already had its first surprise: World Champion Russia stumbled against host Denmark.

The opening game between France and Hungary was a bad match from both sides. Both France and Hungary are in the process of rebuilding their teams. Both have to integrate a lot of new players. Many famous names, like the goal-keepers Valérie Nicolas and Katalin Palinger, left. Amandine Leynaud and Orsolya Herr are their successors and they did a decent job. Moreover, Hungary`s Anita Görbicz had to cancel her participation at the GF World Cup because of a shoulder injury. Without its “heart” and “brain”, Hungary experienced a tough start in the match agaisnt France and it took quite a while for the Hungarians to become an equal adversary to France.

When Szabina Mayer scored 10-9 (23), Hungary was in the lead for the first time but right after the start of the second half, technical mistakes by Hungary enabled France a “run and gun” series, ending with the 12-16. Hungary fought back with a stronger defence and equalized at 17-17 by Valeria Szabo. But the team of Olivier Krumbholz kept its pace and with Hungary losing its energy, Raphaelle Tervel scored 24-20. Paule Baudouin added the final gaol, making it 29-23.

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