četvrtak, 23. listopada 2008.

Wetzlar signs new goalkeeper Vladan Krasavac

German HSG Wetzlar found a substitute to long-time injured goalkeeper Zoran Djordjic. Today Yugoslavian international player Vladan Krasavac signed a contract in Wetzlar. The 37-year-old old goalkeeper comes from Swiss national Champion and Champions League participant ZMC Amicitia Zurich. He got a contract up to the end of the season.

In the last month the Serbian, born in Loznica, was not able to play for Zurich because of an operation at the groin. But during last season he was a important player of the ambitious team from Zurich which could yield national championship and the super-cup. "Vladan has cured his injury meanwhile and eagerly wants to come up to his great achievements of the off-season", betrays Rainer Dotzauer of HSG Wetzlar, who was able to get a quick playing permission for the 1.97-metre-"Goalie". Krasavac whose sporting life motto purely and simply is „win!“ is married and father of two children. The 37-year-old got hold of eight national titles with teams in Serbia, Italy and Switzerland. Besides, he played in EHF Cup and in Champions League.

"He is quite an experienced goalkeeper with outstanding reflexes. We are sure that he will form a successful goalkeeper team together with Nikolai Weber and later also Zoran Djordjic", Dotzauer said. "Beside his sporting class it was also decisive that Krasavac could change free of money. The obligation of the second goalkeepers candidate Dragan Jerkovic has failed because of that fact in the end. Zagreb wanted to have a too high transfer fee for him which we did not want to - and were not able to - afford. Therefore, we have neglected the negotiations with the player and have decided on Vladan. For us, he is an ideal supplement to our current number one Weber."

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